As an AACSB accredited Business School, we often invite industry practitioners to engage with our students and support their learning by linking real world case studies to the classroom. With the business world rapidly transforming, the need for developing future skills in tomorrow’s workforce is becoming increasingly important. Drawing on the expertise of Curtin Dubai’s highly experienced faculty members, Curtin Dubai’s Business Masterclass offered industry-relevant insights to students and professionals.

The last session was held on Saturday 3 October 2020, and welcomed Mr. Prakash Ramaseshan, the Chartered Accountant Principal Owner of Pragya Consulting who educated the audience on the important matters of Debt Vs Equity, and how financial services have transformed in the past three decades.

This was followed by Mr Sameer Nagarajan, Executive Coach and Human Resource Consultant, who discussed capabilities that would likely be required in a post pandemic world.

The Curtin Dubai Masterclasses are created to gain a deeper understanding of workplace transformation as well as recession-proofing your finances at the early stages of your professional life. These sessions are where our industry-led curriculum and innovative teaching techniques go beyond the physical classroom to offer learner-centric webinars, for you to experience learning in the digital age.