Curtin University Dubai is excited to announce the DEWA Business Cup Challenge for 2020. This case-based competition calls for all business or technology minded high school students to compete with teams across the UAE and showcase their critical thinking and problem solving skills. This year, the competition will run from 11 October to 21 November 2020 and will be held online.

The challenge will focus on Big Data and its use in businesses with teams spending five weeks reviewing case studies and developing solutions for real-life business issues and opportunities, analysing crucial business situations and presenting the final case to an academic and professional panel. The students have the opportunity to win prizes that include internships, scholarships to Curtin Dubai, medals, and the BCC 2020 Trophy.

Some of the most promising careers of the future will require the ability to work with Big Data, and the DEWA Business Cup Challenge will afford students the opportunity to immerse themselves in case studies relevant to that field. As our title sponsor and knowledge partner for the second year in a row, DEWA and its Research & Development Centre have provided real-life case studies that students will have the opportunity to research and solve over the next 5 weeks.

We thank our sponsors including Hunter Foods, Bounce Inc, Uninest, and Transnational Academic Group, who have come onboard to support this year’s competition