After receiving such positive feedback on our Curtin Dubai Summer Camp and internship program, we are commencing the winter version!

Curtin Dubai Winter Camp 2020 is a 2-week virtual program, available to high school students from Grade 10-13 in the UAE. Students can choose to attend the winter camp, internship program, or both programs from the 13th – 24th of December 2020.

This immersive experience will help students gain valuable knowledge whilst preparing them for the world of business. The Curtin Dubai Winter Camp aims to instil the necessary personal and professional development skills in students.

Our winter program includes informative and insightful webinars covering topics such as:

  • Mental Health & Well-being (includes Cyberbullying)
  • Utilizing LinkedIn & Improving Your CV
  • Enhancing Your Digital Presence & Personal Brand
  • The 101 on Student Life At Curtin Dubai
  • Interview Preparation & How To Answer Common Interview questions

Our internship program allows students to apply skills learned during our webinars by interning in our Human Resources, Marketing, and Careers departments. Students will be assigned various tasks and will receive daily support from their mentors including discussing obstacles faced, getting support solving tasks, and receiving detailed feedback for improvement. Interns will submit their final tasks in the form of a presentation to hone their public speaking skills.

Upon the successful completion of the Winter Camp Internship program, students will receive a certificate in recognition of their learning from Curtin Dubai.

As a gesture of goodwill during these uncertain times, students who attend a minimum of 2 Winter Camp Workshops during the entire program, will have their registration fee waived if they choose to attend Curtin University Dubai.

Sign up for our Winter Camp today! RSVP

Check your scholarship eligibility