After the Eid holidays in May 2021, Curtin University Dubai opened its doors to students for the very first time since March 2020, albeit under different circumstances and conditions. Curtin Dubai has opted to blend online learning with classroom learning to ensure its student’s safety, meaning that if students still feel unsafe attending classes physically, online learning is still an option for them.

Hussain Mehdi, a Cyber Security student at Curtin Dubai who opted to come onto campus, said, “I’ve been coming to campus since the second day, and the experience has been great so far. Teachers are just amazing, and we go through the course material together as a class. Safety protocols are in place, and the 2-meter gap is always maintained in class. Everyone wears their masks, and there are sanitisers provided all across the campus.” Hussain went on to express his satisfaction with the overall organisation of the university under the circumstances, “The flow and organisation of the team are really well-coordinated as well, so once you enter the University there are people to guide you through all the steps so that you understand the procedures and protocols well. I feel safe coming to campus, and that’s why I am here.”

In addition to those mentioned by Hussain, there are numerous other protocols to ensure the safety of staff and students.