Curtin Dubai Orientation Week September 2018

Over 100 students enrolled into Curtin Dubai’s undergraduate degree programs in Engineering, Business, IT and Arts this September. Orientation week was filled with exciting student activities like treasure hunts, game hours, an excursion to Flipout Dubai and an enjoyable Fresher’s Party at Kiza.

Professor John Evans, Pro Vice Chancellor of Curtin University Dubai was very happy to welcome the new students to the campus. He said, ‘It has been a great start to the academic year and it is exciting to a see a vibrant and energetic student cohort on campus. I am sure both our faculty and students will have a successful and happy academic year.’

The Curtin Life Team planned and organised an exciting week of student life activities for the students. ‘The Orientation Week was a great opportunity for students to interact with each other during the exciting on-campus and off-campus activities that were organised by the Curtin Life Team,’ said Olivia Adkins, Student Experience Coordinator for Curtin Dubai.

Students can still enroll into Curtin’s renowned MBA Global program commencing in November by emailing