Leading urbanist Professor Joseli Macedo visits Curtin Dubai

On November 5, Curtin Dubai hosted visiting faculty, Professor Joseli Macedo. Professor Macedo heads the School of Design and the Built Environment at Curtin University in Perth, Australia. During her visit Professor Macedo toured Dubai’s iconic city structures and delivered a lecture titled, ‘The Ecology of Cities: Creating Sustainable Built Environments.’

Professor Macedo holds a Bachelor’s of Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Paraná in Brazil, a Master’s in Community Planning from the University of Cincinnati and a Ph.D. from the University of Florida. Her areas of expertise include sustainable cities, urban design and international development planning.

Previously, she was Chair of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, and Director of the Center for International Design and Planning, and Faculty Affiliate in the Center for Latin American Studies and the School of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of Florida in the United States.

In 2012, Professor Macedo was a Fulbright-Nehru scholar to India, where she conducted research at CEPT University in Ahmedabad. Professor Macedo has also served as a consultant to the World Bank and the GAIA Consortium in Brazil.