Are you ready for BCC 2019?

The end of summer holidays for schools in the UAE will mark the beginning of Curtin Dubai’s Business Cup Challenge (BCC). Registration opens on the 8th of September and participating teams from schools across the Emirates will solve case studies on the exciting topic of Artificial Intelligence throughout the competition.

With two informative workshops on the 9th and 14th of September, the four week long competition will be launched.  The BCC will have a new case study released at the beginning of every week and a deadline of one week to submit creative solutions. A leader board will track the race to qualify for direct entry into the Finale to be held on the 16th of November. The competition not only promotes research and teamwork among students but also opens up avenues of interacting with Curtin Dubai’s industry partners.

To be a part of this exciting competition along with your peers, please register your school at