Curtin Dubai MBA (Global) International study tour

Curtin MBA (Global) Students from the elite AACSB accredited Curtin School of Business took part in a week-long International Study Tour to Prague, Czech Republic. This study tour is an integral part of the coursework for the Global Business Practices unit that students are required to complete and is included in the tuition.

During the tour, students visited the leading Czech automobile manufacturer, Škoda Auto factory headquartered in Mladá Boleslav and interacted with the employees in the organisation. They also visited the headquarters of the Metrostav Group, the largest construction company in Czech Republic where they had the opportunity to meet with Mr Kostiva Vojtec, Official Spokesperson and Head of Media and Mr Pavel Nebesky, Head of Strategy and Management Systems.

The touring MBA (Global) class gained valuable insights into how conglomerates like Škoda Auto and Metrostav Group operate and compete in the international market while maintaining high standards of business excellence. The trip was an opportunity for students to dive into the cultural experiences that Prague had to offer.