Students of Curtin Dubai School of Engineering and IT visit The Assembly

A non – profit initiative, The Assembly, is a smart lab or makerspace based out of the In5 Tech Innovation Centre in Knowledge Village and promotes adoption of the latest technology skills. Students of the Curtin Dubai School of Engineering and School of Information Technology, accompanied by Assoc. Prof Pon Selvan (PhD), Head of Science and Engineering, Mr Mahesh Nagaraj, Lecturer, and Mr Salih Ismail, Program Coordinator for Computer Science visited this facility. Students learnt about The Assembly’s offerings and also about student memberships, internships and success stories.

‘”In5 and The Assembly have provided an unprecedented platform to the residents of UAE that helps enable the practical realization of business ideas. Some of their programs are focused on young university students and have a great track record of attracting angel investors. Their idea of collaborating with academia might just bring a new perspective to interesting student projects and research.” said Salih Ismail.