Curtin Dubai hosts Engineering and Impression Management Webinar

Innovation is deeply embedded in Curtin University’s DNA, as one of the founders of EdX and Open Universities Australia.

As students across the globe switch to smart technologies and explore online learning to cope with current challenges, Curtin University Dubai has decided to extend support by offering educational webinars and professional development counselling sessions to high school students and graduates.

As part of the recent virtual open day organized on Thursday, 23 April 2020, students, parents, and educators had the opportunity to engage with Curtin Dubai’s team of academic counsellors, highly-experienced faculty and current students of the university.

Two dedicated webinars on ‘Why be an Engineer?’ and ‘Impression Management’ were hosted by Curtin University Dubai’s renowned faculty members Associate Professor Pon Selvan, Head of School – Science and Engineering, and Dr Khyati Shetty, Head of School – Business and Humanities.

The webinar on ‘Why be an Engineer?’ highlighted the many areas of specialization available in the field of engineering and the career options associated with them. This session presented valuable information on the recent trends and developments in engineering and helped students see how engineering as one of the most in demand career choices for the future. The session on ‘Impression Management’ took a closer look at the importance of striking a positive first impression and offered some insightful tips on personal branding and self-development. This expert online lecture contextualized the benefits of developing and maintaining a self-reputation with a perfect blend of charisma and confidence, a skill that is crucial to any individual in their career.

“We are living in some unique times, where students now demand the ability to learn any subject from anywhere and at any time. At Curtin, we believe in recognizing this new generation of learners and offering them the quality teaching they need at their fingertips,” said Dr. Khyati Shetty, Curtin Dubai Head of School of Business and Humanities

With its industry-led curriculum and innovative teaching techniques, Curtin Dubai has gone beyond the physical classroom to offer learner-centric webinars to students as well as educators. These sessions will be an ongoing initiative as part of the university’s virtual open-day events and will be free of charge for all attendees.