Curtin Dubai’s Summer Camp and Internship Program goes online

Curtin University in Dubai, known for its innovation and ingenuity, introduced a virtual summer camp and internship program, dedicated to high school students. Students from grades 10 to 13 across the UAE can choose to attend a week-long online summer camp or internship program or attend both programs for two weeks. This immersive experience has been introduced to help students gain valuable knowledge and allow them to engage with the worlds of business and research.

This initiative started in July 2020 and will run until the end of August. Over three hundred students have walked through our virtual doors as Curtin ensures the cycle of learning continues through the summer.

“Making the best out of these difficult times, part of the program is designed so that students are able to spend some time introspecting and making informed decisions on their career choices”, said Shweta Wahi, Head of Careers at Curtin Dubai.

The summer camp aims to instil in the students the necessary skills for personal and professional development. Exciting webinars such as Personal Branding, Critical Thinking, Public Speaking, and CV Building are included in the program. The internship program allows students to apply these skills practically by choosing to intern in areas such as Human Resources, Marketing, and Academic Research.
All students who successfully complete these programs receive a certificate of completion from Curtin Dubai.