This August, Curtin Dubai’s team of student ambassadors hosted the University’s first Open Week, including a series of virtual information sessions to share their student experience and accolades. 

The Open Week kicked off with an interactive “Meet the Students” webinar, bringing together five current students, each from different fields; Arts, Engineering, IT, Business and Postgraduate. One such student was Syed Nabeel, a Cybersecurity student in his final year. He said,”Studying Cybersecurity at Curtin has widened my perspective and understanding of the field. I feel confident in my learnings and aspire to utilize them thoroughly in my career”. Another was Keerthana D, a second year Mechanical Engineering student who discussed the importance of being part of the Student Council, along with the soft skills she developed which helped her secure three internships in just two years of study. 

She expressed her view, “I’m part of Curtin Dubai’s vibrant student council as an engineering school Officer. 

This position helped me in developing competencies as well taught me to be a self-leader. During my first year at student council, I had an opportunity to voice my message and bring some positive vibes to our engineering student community. With the same spirit, I’m continuing my position with the hopes of initiating a lot of ideas in engineering related events that bring the best experience for the students.  

Apart from this, being in a council is a great learning experience for any individual, personally I improved my confidence, leadership, and ability to work with a passionate team. With this experience, I can now say “I found a dream team””. 

Following the webinars a discussion forum headed by Everyl Colaco, Curtin’s Student Experience Coordinator was held. Ms Colaco led an engaging session advising attendees on how Curtin Dubai helps students explore their career options, build networking skills and connections, and put their plans into action