In 2020, Curtin University Dubai partnered with DESCareers, the Careers initiative launched at Dubai English Speaking College, under the leadership of Ms Maria Vitoratos. Under this collaboration, Curtin’s Careers Coach and Practitioner – Ms Karishni Damania – works with DESC students once a week to provide them with career related guidance from a University perspective.

A recent spotlight interview was held where Ms Damania was asked to talk about her own personal experience and the journey that led to her becoming a Careers Practitioner. “Apart from knowing what you want to do, it’s important to also take on projects that you may not be familiar with as it may open up a new avenue, or reinforce what you don’t want to do, which is just as important” – Karishni also discusses the role of the careers counsellor and how vital it is to check in with one’s students every few weeks to support their journey of connecting what they learn in the classroom to a suitable career choice.

You can catch the whole interview on this link:

Ms Vitoratos is the founder of the UAE Careers Community, which is dedicated to empowering the youth of today for a better tomorrow. The UAE Careers Community will be hosting a UAE-wide virtual careers fair on the 24th of March which will be open to Highschool and University students.

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