In the current pandemic, the job market has become more competitive and smaller. You need to really set yourself apart to secure the position you desire. Curtin wants to prepare you for your coming career and give you a helping hand.

Which is why, our Student Experience & Careers Officer, Ms Karishni’s road map to student success will help you secure your dream job. Whether you are a student who is looking for an internship or a graduate who is starting their career or looking for a career change, these 5 steps are a must-read:

·       Understand the possibilities associated with your major – Work with your admissions counsellor, Head of School, or careers counsellor to understand the jobs and career opportunities available with your major of choice.

·       Connect with your campus careers hub – Your career counsellors play a key role in helping you with your resume, LinkedIn profile, interview skills and more. Get in touch with the team and be more proactive.

·       Join Student Groups – The university is a safe space to get involved with extracurricular activities like the Student Council or campus clubs which will also help you develop the soft skills that are so in demand by employers.

·       Volunteer for CSR initiatives – Apart from giving back to the community and playing your part, having concrete volunteering experience shows potential employers that you are ready to go above and beyond.

·       Make your internship count! – Working as an intern can be a great way to get your foot in the door at a company and gain some real-world experience, be professional and remember: having recommendations from one solid internship experience will go much further than working multiple part-time jobs or having multiple internships without distinguishing yourself in any of them.