Scholarships & Financial Aid Bursaries

Scholarships, and financial aid bursaries are part of Curtin’s commitment to rewarding academic excellence, supporting research and enabling students from all backgrounds to realise their potential.

These opportunities are available for both commencing and current Curtin Dubai undergraduate and postgraduate students. Scholarships are more than just financial support with tuition fees, they can enhance your portfolio of achievements. To find out if you qualify for it, you would be required to fill in an application.

Curtin Dubai funding opportunities

Before applying, it’s important to understand the different types of funding available to prospective and current Curtin University Dubai students:

  • A Scholarship is granted to a student for merit in academic study, industry contribution, and service to the community or any other achievement
  • A Bursary is a need-based financial aid granted to a student
  • A Tuition Grant is a grant-in-aid granted to a student, without merit or financial aid, as part of the Campus’s policy or for excellence in other activities

All applications are reviewed by the Dean’s office and the scholarship committee. Recipients will have to maintain the prescribed academic grades in order to retain funding.

How to apply for scholarships or funding at Curtin Dubai

a. Students must apply for funding using the appropriate request form along with a supporting letter highlighting their merits or need for financial aid. Applications must be completed in full to be eligible. Incomplete
applications will be deemed unsuccessful.
b. All relevant supporting documents, including original academic documents must be presented to Curtin Dubai
for review before application deadline.
c. Students who receive a Conditional Offer Letter must provide the remaining documents and complete pending
formalities to continue to be enrolled in their units for the applicable teaching period. These documents need to
be provided by the census date to avoid automatic withdrawal.
d. To accept your funding offer, you will need to sign and submit the Award Letter to your Admissions Officer

Curtin Dubai Scholarship Offers

Types of scholarships & funding options at Curtin Dubai

Curtin university Dubai offers multiple scholarship & financial aids for international students. Below listed are different types of scholarships at our Dubai campus 

Academic Excellence Scholarship

The Academic Excellence Scholarship has been developed to reward students who have demonstrated academic excellence in their high school exams, and want to pursue study at Curtin University Dubai.

Academic Scholarship*

0 - 29%

30 - 49%

50% &above

Indian CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education)

85% & above

90% & above

95% & above

Indian State Board Exams

85% & above

90% & above

95% & above

UK A-Levels




UK AS-Levels




UK O-Levels

5 B's

3 A’s + 2 B’s

5 A’s

International Baccalaureate

28 - 32


37 & above

American High School Diploma + SAT or AP

+ SAT 1200 or 3 AP’s with Grade 4

+ SAT 1300 or 3 AP’s with Grade 4

SAT 1400 or 3 AP’s with Grade 4

Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR)





5 B2s

3 A1’s + 2 B2’s

5 A1’s

Iranian Pre-University (year 12)




UAE Secondary School Certificate (Thannawiya Amma)




High School Diploma (Grade 12) (Academic track)




Russian : ATTESTAT




French Baccalaureate




China Secondary School Certificate




*Subject to availability due to limited quotas, and other terms & conditions.

Professional Excellence Scholarship for Postgraduate Applicants

This scholarship has been developed to reward postgraduate students who either distinguished themselves in their undergraduate studies or have made a substantial contribution to society through their leadership.

Sports Excellence Scholarship

The Excellence in Sports Scholarship is awarded to students who have won accolades at the inter-state and national level.

Pro-Vice Chancellor's Scholarship for Undergraduate Applicants

A maximum of one eligible student may be awarded by the Pro-Vice Chancellor based on a range of criteria, including merit, sports, service to community/industry etc., and is open to both domestic and international students.

SP Wahi Scholarship for Excellence for Undergraduate Applicants

A maximum of one eligible student may be awarded by the Founder based on a range of criteria, including merit, sports, service to community/industry etc., and is open to both domestic and international students.

Financial Aid Bursary

Financial Aid Scholarship has been developed to encourage and support students who have limited financial resources to fund their studies at Curtin Dubai. To be eligible for financial aid, students must have a satisfactory academic performance, and be able to demonstrate financial need and provide documentation to support their situation.

Women in Engineering Grant

The Women in Engineering Scholarship has been developed to reward female students who receive outstanding high school grades in Science, IT, Engineering, or Mathematics. This scholarship category is open to both domestic and international female students applying for engineering programs at Curtin Dubai.

Alumni Grant

This scholarship category is applicable to students who have previously graduated with a degree (with a grade of 6 or above) from any of the Curtin campuses across the globe, who qualify and decide to join one of the Curtin University Dubai’s postgraduate taught programs.

Family Grant

This scholarship is offered when two or more students from the same immediate family enrol into any foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate program (full time only, not applicable for part time study). Immediate family members include parents, spouse, and siblings.

Australian/UAE National Grant

This exclusive bursary is available to all Emirati and Australian national applicants.

GEMS Grant

Every GEMS student and GEMS staff and their spouse and children starting their study at Curtin University Dubai after the Effective Date shall receive a GEMS grant in addition to their already existing scholarship, bursary, and tuition grant offered by Curtin University Dubai, if applicable, for the following programs:

A) Foundation program – AED 2,500 over the duration of the program

B) Undergraduate non-engineering degree program – AED 7,500 over the duration of the program

C) Undergraduate engineering degree program – AED 10,000 over the duration of the program

D) Postgraduate degree program – AED 5,000 over the duration of the program

Esaad Grant

For New students:

1) Esaad Gold – 50% (High school grades should be greater than or equal to 90%. Student must maintain a grade of 7 in each unit enrolled to retain the funding in the subsequent study period. Limited number of scholarships available)

2) Esaad Silver – 20% (available to all card holders. Student must maintain a grade of 6 in each unit enrolled to retain the funding in the subsequent study period)

For continuing students:

1) Esaad Bronze – 10% (available to all card holders. Student must maintain a grade of 6 in each unit enrolled to retain the funding in the subsequent study period)

Terms & conditions:

1) New and existing undergraduate and graduate students may be eligible for one form of scholarship only. Two types of scholarships cannot be combined.

2) Scholarships, bursaries, and tuition grants are not transferable to any of Curtin’s other campuses.

3) Beneficiaries must be in good standing in terms of all ethical, judicial, and academic norms.

4) You may be considered for funding if you study part-time. Financial need-based funding allows part-time study; however, most merit-based funding is only offered for students who are studying full-time (75 or 100 credits per semester).

5) Your enrolment and results will be checked each teaching period to ensure you are meeting the conditions of your funding category. You will be notified if you have not met the requirements of your funding category.

6) Outstanding debts must be settled to retain your funding in the subsequent study periods.

7) You may not appeal the decision of the University or the percentage or amount of the reduction assigned. The decision to grant or deny a reduction in cost is final.

8) Discounts are applied to the current semester of registration and cannot be deferred to future semesters or applied to previous semesters.

9) The discount is applied to the cost of tuition only. Other related costs are not discounted.

10) Refunds are subject to Curtin Dubai’s refund policy at the time a refund is requested.

11) Exchange students and transfer courses to and from other institutions are not eligible for the discount.

12) Applicants must provide evidence that they meet the minimum qualification for the discount.

Early Bird Offer

Early applicants who successfully receive an offer letter of admission and register within their offer conditions are eligible for this tuition grant.

Applications Evening and other grants

Applicants who successfully register at one of our application evenings and campus open days are eligible for this tuition grant.

Scholarship assessment criteria

Merit-based applications will be assessed by a selection panel based on the information you have provided. Your  application will be reviewed by the Campus’s Student Funding Committee. As the Education Management Services provider, Transnational Academic Group Middle East FZ LLC will have the final authority on all scholarships, bursaries, and tuition grants decisions.
If you are applying for a need-based bursary or tuition grant, the assessment is based on answers to questions in the application form relating to socio-economic status, income and living arrangements and additional circumstances that affect your ability to study.

Managing your scholarship, bursary or tuition grant

As a beneficiary, you need to ensure you get the most out of your award. Each funding category has conditions in place that are outlined in your terms and conditions. These conditions will require you to maintain standards of academic performance, study load and general conduct.
You may be considered for funding if you study part-time. Financial need-based funding allow part-time study; however, most merit-based funding is only offered for students who are studying full-time (75 or 100 credits per semester).
Your enrolment and results will be checked each teaching period to ensure you are meeting the conditions of your funding category. You will be notified if you have not met the requirements of your funding category.

Flexible payment plans & sanctions

  • Flexible payment plans are offered at the discretion of Transnational Academic Group Middle East FZ LLC.
  • Students applying for a flexible payment plan must demonstrate the need for such plan through documentary or other evidence.
  • A flexible payment plan enables the student to clear the trimester tuition in three (3) monthly instalments with the first instalment of 50% being paid immediately and the remaining two (2) instalments of 25% each paid through post-dated cheques.
  • Flexible payment plans for a teaching period will not be extended beyond the applicable teaching period.
    e. Flexible payment plans will not be offered to students with past outstanding tuitions.
  • Students not clearing outstanding tuitions by the end of the teaching period will be placed on sanctions including but not limited to blocking academic results, withholding degree certificates/official transcripts and other encumbrances in line with the University’s policy.

Other scholarship conditions

  • Your funding award is confidential and must not be discussed with other students. Failure to maintain
    confidentiality will lead to cancellation of the funding.
  • Two or more funding categories cannot be clubbed together.
  • Scholarships, bursaries, and tuition grants are not transferable to any of Curtin’s other campuses.
  • Beneficiaries must be in good standing in terms of all ethical, judicial, and academic norms.
  • Beneficiaries, particularly those who are awarded merit-based funding, are encouraged to engage in the
    Campus’s events and may be asked to represent the Campus as ambassadors from time to time. This helps build a feeling of community and position the student as an inspiration to younger and potential students of the University.

Contact For Funding

We are open from Monday – Friday from 8 am to 6 pm and Saturdays from 8 am to 1 pm, except on holidays.

Dubai International Academic City.

Future Students Center

Phone : +971 4 245 2500
Email :